Are You Suffering From Back Pain or Sciatica In Chislehurst or Dulwich?
Wellness In Motion is here to help!
Back pain and sciatica cause persistent discomfort and limited mobility. At Wellness in Motion we treat numerous patients with back pain and sciatica. Sciatica describes where nerve pain radiates down one or both legs and is recognised as one of the most painful things humans can experience. These symptoms can make it challenging to perform routine activities such as bending, lifting, walking or even sitting for short periods. Left untreated back pain and sciatica often cause reduced mobility, lower activity levels and progressive muscle weakness stiffness / decreased physical fitness.
If you’d like to find out more information about the cost and availability of our services click the button below to complete a short form, a member our team will then reach out.
To address the pain, it’s common for patients to apply heat packs or ice packs to the affected area to provide temporary relief by reducing muscle spasms, and inflammation, or by taking over-the-counter painkillers however, these passive treatments don’t address the underlying causes of pain effectively.
Another common complaint we hear from patients who have had unsuccessful treatment is that they didn’t achieve the results they wanted but did say they didn’t complete their treatment plans. Starting a treatment regimen but not following through with recommended exercises, lifestyle modifications or follow-up appointments can limit the effectiveness of interventions.
If you have questions about our services or would just like more information, click the button below to complete a short form, a member of our team will then call you with the answers you need.
We liken managing back pain and sciatica solely with exercises to trying to manage tooth-ache without having a filling! For patients with acute pain, we stress the significance of early management to prevent it from becoming chronic. For those with long-standing pain, our treatment often involves techniques like dry needling, massage, and soft tissue work to release tight muscles that have been aggravating nerves over time.
Patients often experience significant relief surprisingly quickly, even for longstanding issues. We encourage patients not to lose hope and advocate for targeted hands-on treatment combined with specific physio exercises tailored to individual needs. We highlight the importance of addressing overall fitness and mobility, which can deteriorate due to pain-induced immobility.
While we successfully treat a majority of cases without resorting to drugs or injections, we acknowledge a small percentage of patients may require additional interventions which we integrate cautiously as part of a comprehensive treatment plan. Our approach prioritises starting with effective hands-on treatments and escalating treatment methods based on patient progress, aiming for sustained symptom relief and functional improvement over time.
Are you unsure if physiotherapy is right for you? Take advantage of our FREE discovery sessions which help identify your issues and if we can provide help!
** Please note there is no treatment given during one of our discovery sessions. These sessions are designed to evaluate your needs and ensure we can offer the help you need.