Shockwave Therapy
Find out how to finally ease knee pain, back pain, hip pain, and more WITHOUT the side-effects of pain-killers, injections or resorting to surgery.

What Is Shockwave Therapy?
SWT uses compressed air to generate acoustic energy (sound waves) which are passed through the skin into the soft tissue by an applicator device which is referred to as a ‘gun’. The shockwave machine we use delivers acoustic waves of up to 5 atmospheres of pressure so it really packs a punch!
How Does Shockwave Therapy Work?
Shockwave improves circulation, reduces pain and increase range of motion by creating an inflammatory reaction in chronically painful / injured tissues.
What Conditions Does Shockwave Therapy Treat?
- Trochanteric pain syndrome (lateral hip pain – pain on the outside of the hip also called trochanteric or gluteal bursitis)
- Tennis elbow (lateral elbow pain)
- Plantar fasciitis / heel spurs (pain in bottom of heel)
- Achilles tendinopathy (pain in back of heel)
- Shin splints (pain on the front of the shin)
- Patella tendinopathy (pain on the front of the knee)
- Carpal tunnel (wrist pain)
- Proximal hamstring tendinopathy (pain in the upper rear thigh)
- Osgood schlatters (pain on the front of the shin)
- Calcific tendinosis of the shoulder (rotator cuff tendons)
- Trigger points (tight painful knots in any of the muscles in the body)
- Shockwave is also used to treat cellulite!
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Are There Any Side Effects?
Occasionally there can be mild pain and / or bruising over the treated area but often the underlying condition starts to feel better immediately after treatment. The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) has stated that Shockwave therapy is a safe and effective treatment.
The practitioner providing the treatment will have checked your medical history to ensure risk of side effects are minimal.
Common side effects include redness or bruising in the treated area, skin damage and sometimes an increase in pain in the treated area.
Very rare side effects include the risk of tendon tear or rupture particularly if you have recently had a steroid injection in the treated area.
Following shockwave therapy It’s fine to maintain ‘normal’ levels of activity. Do not do anything you normally would not do. It’s prudent to avoid sport or any other aggravating activities which stress the affected / treated area for 48 hours post-treatment.
How Many Sessions Are Required?
NICE guidance recommends 3 sessions typically over a three week period. Patients often start feeling better immediately after the first treatment however the beneficial effects of shockwave accumulate over a three month period. If symptoms initially improve and then relapse before three months has elapsed then we can apply a further three sessions of shockwave i.e. a total of six sessions over any three month period. More than six sessions within three months risks traumatising the tissue too much i.e. we would be breaking down tissue faster than your body can rebuild.
Like any treatment there can be no guarantees it will always work but when dealing with tendon and fascia problems such as the conditions listed above it is important to remember that it may take a full year for things to recover fully and regardless of treatment given you’ll need to be diligent with your exercise programme.
Don’t let your pain get in the way of the life you want to live.
Start today by talking to one of our specialists before committing to coming in:
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** Please note there is no treatment given during one of our discovery sessions. These sessions are designed to evaluate your needs and ensure we can offer the help you need.